Posts tagged Psychology

Living in poverty has the same effect on the brain as regularly going without sleep – From Salon

An interesting article from Salon.

“You are captured by these monetary issues — how to pay rent, how to pay bills,” Zhao added. “As a result, you’re less attentive to other problems. You neglect other things in life that deserve your attention.”

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Australian Science Investigates déjà vu

Tricks of The Mind – an article by Amy Reichelt for Australian Science
Have you ever experienced a sudden feeling of familiarity while in a completely new place? Or the feeling you’ve had the exact same conversation with someone before?


Using Mindlessness (Mindfully) to Improve Visual Acuity

A paper by  Ellen Langer, Maja Djikic, Michael Pirson, Arin Madenci and Rebecca Donohue published in Psychological Science that shows how mindfulness can improve the accuracy of vision.

Contrary to the assumption that vision worsens with age because of physiological limitations, the experiments we report here tested whether vision can be improved through psychological means.

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Avatar and the true science of virtual experience

By Dr Johanna Saltis

I recently saw Avatar in 3-D. Cool florescent forests. Worth seeing if you also want to see an allegory for some contemporary and historical atrocities.

Putting social conscience aside, this movie also got me thinking about another important topic, the psychology and neuroscience of potential Avatar technology. Did I say potential? A few years ago now, a Wired article summed up the emerging data from experiments simulating virtual experiences. See for a discussion of these (2/12/08).

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Does Making a Public Commitment Really Help People Lose Weight?

From Nuronarrative:

“What this study tells us is that in general the public commitment principle produces results, especially if the commitment is long-term. But, in the mix of people who make the commitment, those who genuinely fear social disapproval—not a personality trait usually given very high marks–will likely succeed the most. Those who couldn’t care less what others think are, ironically, more likely to come up short.”

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